The all-rounder on the battlefield - M416

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"The high stability and versatility of the M416 make it the most popular assault rifle on the battlefield. Whether in close combat or long-range combat, it can help you win easily."

"PUBG" (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) is a multiplayer online survival shooting game. Players parachute to any location on the map in a vast open world, collect weapons and equipment, fight other players, and avoid the shrinking safe zone until they become the last survivor. The game combines strategy, cooperation, and tense combat to provide a unique gaming experience. If you need it, mmowow items can help you.

Background and basic information

M416 is a popular assault rifle in "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" (PUBG), based on the real HK416 design. HK416 was developed by Heckler Koch in Germany. It is a modular assault rifle with extremely high reliability and versatility. The M416 in the game also inherits these advantages and has become one of the weapons commonly used by players in combat.

Appearance design

M416 has a modern appearance design and a modular structure, which can be configured differently according to needs. The gun body is mainly black, with a tactical rail, and can be equipped with various accessories.


In the game, the M416 has a variety of basic and special skins obtained through events, season passes, or purchases. These skins do not affect the performance of the weapon but can add visual effects and personalization.


Damage: The base damage per bullet is 43.
Rate of fire: The M416 has a high rate of fire, with a firing rate of 0.086 seconds per round.
Magazine capacity: The standard magazine capacity is 30 rounds, and the extended magazine capacity is 40 rounds.
Effective range: Moderate, suitable for medium and long-range combat.
Shooting mode: Single-shot and fully automatic modes can be switched.

Bullet capacity and firing time

Bullet type: Uses 5.56mm bullets.
Magazine capacity: Standard 30 rounds, extended 40 rounds.
Firing time: In fully automatic mode, about 700 rounds are fired per minute.
Recoil: Relatively low and easy to control.

Accessory configuration

M416 is one of the assault rifles in PUBG that can be equipped with the most accessories, including:

Sights: red dot sight, holographic sight, 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x sights.
Muzzle: flash suppressor, silencer, compensator.
Grip: vertical grip, light grip, thumb grip, half grip, right-angle front grip.
Magazine: fast magazine, extended magazine, fast extended magazine.
Stock: tactical stock, further improves stability.

Unique features

Compared with other assault rifles, the M416 has the following features:

Multiple accessory configurations: It can be equipped with sights, muzzles, grips, magazines, and stocks, which greatly improves the stability and accuracy of the weapon.
High stability: After being fully configured, the M416 has low recoil and is suitable for continuous shooting.
Wide range of applications: Whether it is close combat, medium-range, or long-range combat, the M416 performs well.

Suitable use scenarios

Medium and long-range combat: With high-power scopes and stabilization accessories, the M416 performs well in medium and long-range engagements.
Close-range engagements: In full-auto mode, the M416's high rate of fire and low recoil make it also powerful in close combat.

How to obtain

The M416 can be obtained in the following ways:

Map refresh: It may be refreshed in buildings and airdrop supply boxes on maps such as Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, and Vikendi.

Airdrop box: Sometimes an airdrop box contains an M416 and its related accessories.


The basic damage of a single bullet of the M416 is 43, which is not as good as the AKM's 47, but its rate of fire and stability make up for this gap. With 5.56mm bullets, the M416 can quickly knock down enemies in medium and long-range combat.

Practical application

Continuous shooting:

Suppressive fire: When facing multiple enemies or enemies hiding behind cover, the stability of the M416 enables it to maintain continuous shooting in full-automatic mode and quickly suppress enemy fire. By continuous shooting, the enemy's cover defense can be broken, forcing the enemy to expose and providing teammates with opportunities to kill.
Close-range confrontation: In street fighting or close-range confrontation in buildings, the high rate of fire and low recoil of the M416 enable it to quickly output a large number of bullets, improve the hit rate, and quickly knock down the enemy. In these cases, with accessories such as grips and compensators, the shooting stability can be further improved.

Headshot kill:

Long-range sniping: Using a high-power scope (such as 4x, 6x), the M416 can perform accurate headshot kills at medium and long distances. By using burst or single-shot mode, the impact of recoil can be effectively reduced and the hit rate can be improved. In open areas such as the wild or highlands, taking advantage of the terrain and choosing a favorable position for sniping can deliver a fatal blow to the enemy without exposing yourself.
Cover shooting: When shooting behind cover, use a high-power scope to observe the enemy's movements and choose the best time to kill with a headshot. By constantly adjusting the position and angle, avoid being counterattacked by the enemy while maintaining a high-pressure state on the enemy.


Fire support: In team mode, the M416 can be used as the main weapon for medium-range fire support. When the team's front line is engaged in a firefight with the enemy, use the M416 to provide precise fire support at medium distances to suppress enemy actions and reduce the pressure on teammates. Through continuous shooting and cover, you can help teammates advance the front line or retreat.

Support the attack: When teammates launch an attack, use the M416 to provide long-range fire support. By continuously suppressing the enemy's firepower and distracting the enemy's attention, you can gain time and opportunities for your teammates to attack. Reasonable use of the high rate of fire and stability of the M416 can effectively support the offensive actions of teammates.
Collaborative defense: During the defense process, use the M416 to cooperate with teammates for cross-fire coverage. Through the division of labor and cooperation with teammates, establish multiple fire points, form a fire network, and effectively prevent the enemy from breaking through the defense line. With the versatility of the M416, you can quickly adjust the shooting mode and shooting distance to deal with enemies from different directions.

The reason why the M416 is popular among players is mainly because of its versatility and stability. Both new and old players can get a good operating experience from the M416. Its diverse accessory configuration allows the M416 to be at ease in various combat scenarios.

Usage suggestions

Reasonable matching of accessories:

Sight selection: Choose the appropriate sight according to the combat distance. Red dot and holographic sights are suitable for close-range combat, providing fast aiming and accurate shooting; 2x and 3x sights are suitable for medium-range combat, balancing the field of view and accuracy; 4x and 6x sights are suitable for long-range combat, providing a clearer field of view and precise aiming. When using a 6x sight, you can adjust the magnification to adapt to different shooting distances.
Grip selection: The vertical grip can effectively reduce vertical recoil, suitable for close-range continuous shooting; the light grip and thumb grip can improve the stability of the weapon and the speed of switching aiming, suitable for medium-range combat; the half grip and right-angle front grip can balance vertical and horizontal recoil, suitable for medium- and long-range precision shooting.
Muzzle selection: The compensator can greatly reduce vertical and horizontal recoil, suitable for continuous shooting in full-automatic mode; the silencer can hide the sound and fire of shooting, suitable for concealed combat and long-range sniping; the flash suppressor can reduce the exposure of fire during shooting, suitable for medium- and long-range concealed shooting.

Practice recoil control:

Understand the recoil pattern: The recoil pattern of the M416 is relatively regular. Be familiar with the characteristics of its vertical and horizontal recoil, and master the control skills by observing the trajectory.
Adjust mouse movement: When shooting in full-automatic mode, offset the vertical recoil by dragging the mouse downward, and adjust the horizontal movement according to the trajectory offset to keep the bullet concentrated in the target area.
Practice burst shooting: In the training ground or actual combat, practice short burst shooting to gradually improve the ability to control recoil. You can familiarize yourself with the recoil characteristics under different accessory configurations through continuous practice and find the best control method.

Adapt to different shooting modes:

Fully automatic mode: In close combat, using fully automatic mode can provide a high rate of fire and high suppression to quickly knock down the enemy. Make sure that accessories such as grips and compensators are fully configured to improve stability. In small spaces or buildings, prepare full automatic mode in advance to deal with sudden close combat.
Single shot mode: In medium and long-range combat, using single shot mode can improve accuracy and reduce the impact of recoil. With a high-power scope, you can perform long-range accurate point shooting to kill exposed enemies. According to the enemy's position and distance, flexibly switch between single shot and burst mode to improve shooting efficiency.

Flexibly respond to combat scenarios:

Terrain utilization: In terrain such as high ground, bunkers, and buildings, use terrain advantages to shoot. The high ground can provide a wider field of view and shooting angles, bunkers can provide protection and concealment, and buildings can provide multi-level defense and attack points.
Tactical adjustment: Flexibly adjust shooting strategies according to enemy positions and combat situations. When facing multiple enemies, give priority to killing the closest and most threatening enemy; when facing long-range snipers, use bunkers and terrain to counterattack; when facing sudden close combat, prepare the fully automatic mode in advance and respond quickly.
Team cooperation: In team mode, work closely with teammates, divide labor reasonably, and fight in coordination. Through fire support and cover, help teammates advance the front line or retreat; through coordinated defense, establish multiple fire points, form a fire network, and prevent the enemy from breaking through the defense line.


M416 is a very outstanding assault rifle in "PUBG". With its high stability, versatility, and good shooting experience, it has become the weapon of choice for many players. By reasonably configuring accessories and mastering shooting skills, players can maximize the power of M416 in various combat scenarios. Whether you are a novice or an old hand, the M416 can provide stable output and reliable performance and is a reliable combat partner. Now, hurry up and join the battle, cheap pubg mobile uc can help you.
